Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Prayers for February

Feel free to record your prayers here.


Anonymous said...

Oh Lord, my God, why is life so messy? When it all comes down to it You are the sourse of all that is good and right and just. Oh how I love you Lord. You are my comfort and my strength. Give me the strength to do what is right, no matter how hard it is. I love you Lord, my protector. Let me be what you want me to be. Deepen my understanding of relationships. Give me the words and actions you want me to have. Let me be humble, caring and kind to others. Let me be a vessel of Your love. Oh how I love you Lord. Thank you so much for staying with me, a lowly sinner.

Anonymous said...

Lord, teach us to pray, and may we learn to fast in a way that honors you.

Anonymous said...

Lord, be with our youth as they head out to Winterfest in the morning. Protect them, and help them to learn some wonderful things about you.