Monday, January 29, 2007

Prayers for the week of January 28, 2007

Phillip Yancey in Prayer (191) says this :

Jesus taught a model prayer, the Lord’s Prayer, but otherwise gave few rules. His teaching reduces down to three simple principles: Keep it honest, keep it simple, and keep it up. Mainly, Jesus pressed home that we come as beloved children to a Father who loves us in advance and cares deeply about our lives. Ask young parents what is the correct way for their toddlers to approach them and you will probably will get a puzzled look. Correct way? Being a parent means you do your best to remain available to your children and responsive to their needs. As Jesus said, if a human parent responds with compassion and not hostility, now much more will God.

"Let us then approach the throne of grace
with confidence," urged the author of Hebrews, "so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

Approach God with confidence this week. Pray anytime and any way you can.


Anonymous said...

Jehovah God -
Please provide for me this week. Give me bread because bread alone is what I need. Grant me the opportunities to serve you through others this week. I pray a blessing for my enemies.

Anonymous said...

Lord Jesus, Thank you for being a God of Strenght and Wisdom. Thank you for caring us when we are weak. Please be with my family and watch over us. We need your strength, wisdom and protection.